In: Celebrity, Entertainment, FAIL
Amy Schumer’s new special is getting trashed with one-star reviews (8 Photos)
Putting it kindly, Amy Schumer’s newest stand-up The Leather Special is being labeled as a critical flop. Debuting on Netflix on March 7th, the 57-minute performance has been heavily criticized and is absolutely flooded with nearly 1,300 one-star reviews. Among some of the ‘nicer reviews’, you can find things such as “This is as funny as an autopsy… as graphic and as funny as I would imagine a public beheading to be.”, and “This special made me want to spend the entire day outside.”
The criticism couldn’t be more ill-timed, as Amy has been embroiled in controversy after several other comedians accused her of stealing material, along with Comedy Central failing to announce a release date for the 5th season of her show. You can check out all 1,300 reviews here.