In: Entertainment, Facts, Movies, Pop Culture
Ghostbuster villains ranked completely unscientifically (11 Photos)
Not only is Ghostbusters one of the classic buddy comedies, it also perfectly melds horror and comedy while being loosely based in established paranormal research of the 80s. Oh and of course, it’s got full-on BFM badassery. The original series may be over 33 years old, but it offered some of the most iconic, if not terrifying, ghost villains of all-time. Here is our ranking of the top-10 Ghostbusters baddies based on our completely non-scientific formula*.
*Formulaic steps:
Several beers
Several more beers
Watch movie
Finish beers
Editors Note: I won’t be including anything from the Ghostbusters reboot. I haven’t seen it because I don’t like pouring acid in my eyes.