If you could say one thing to your pet, what would it be? (11 Photos)
Sometimes, I have no idea what my dog is thinking. Sometimes he’ll just be the most supremely chilled out guy in the room, and other times, the carpet is his worst enemy. He’ll bark at it, refuse to step on it and cause some stains. The next day, he’s fine. I know, weird.
Sometimes I think I know what he’s thinking, and he understands me when I talk to him, but really, he probably doesn’t. But what if he did? What would I say? Thankfully, someone on Reddit asked the community a very valid question: “If your dog/cat could fully comprehend what you’re saying to them for 60 seconds, what would you tell them?” Open the flood gates.
The answers are gonna hit you on the funny bone or in the feels. There’s no in- between.