In: Gaming, Nostalgia, Pop Culture
A nostalgic ranking of the best video games from your childhood (12 Photos)
I can remember going to my babysitter’s house after elementary school and lying to the sitter about not having homework so I can play video games. I loved video games, I played until I beat the game or until I got so frustrated about not being able to pass a certain level. Usually took me a night to think about it before I eventually did pass that daunting boss.
But one of my favorite things about these nostalgic games is the memories that come about as soon as you dust off a cartridge and place it into your most desired console. I cherished so many games and I had so many good memories that it’s difficult to remember my absolute favorite. Thankfully the guys over at Muchgames surveyed 2000 gamers and asked them what their most loved games were. Do they match up to yours? If your favorite doesn’t make the list, make sure to share it in the comments below.