Insecure guy fishing for compliment doesn’t get one, dials up the insanity (9 Photos)
It took three total texts for this guy go from an insecure dipshit to (a still somehow insecure) Patrick Bateman. Three. Sixty-five characters to remind the poor soul and the business-end of his insane rant that vetting people you show interest in is probably worthwhile, and insecurity is probably the least attractive thing someone can muster.
All this girl did is not reply to a text where he apparently wanted her to compliment his looks, and he lost it. He didn’t give her the benefit of the doubt that maybe she was asleep (at 1:34 in the morning), or that her phone died or that maybe she didn’t feel like texting. Nah. He decided to go on an emotional roller coaster that makes Gary Busey look like Neil deGrasse Tyson. Check out the rant below.
Via Imgur user WhatUpCorgiButt
“So it started at 1:34 Am. He sent me a selfie and then got mad that I didn’t comment on how ‘hot’ he is.”