In: Fuego
Chivettes, Sexy Chivers goes live tomorrow. Still plenty of time to submit
Alright, Chivettes, it’s a lazy evening and you’re not doing anything. Time to grab that camera and get creative. This is your chance to have some fun and express yourself.
Last Friday, nearly 4.2 million people tuned in to watch the internet event that is changing the way we look at beauty, ‘Sexy Chivers’. Leo and I were even invited to the Playboy Mansion where we found the Playmates (rather surprisingly) had nothing but awesome things to say about our Chivettes. Let’s make this Friday one for the books.
AWESOME INSTRUCTIONS: Grab your camera (phone) and write ‘Hi Chivers’ on a sign or some part of your body (be as creative as you like). Then use our handy-dandy upload page to send pics to thechivesubmit [at] gmail [dot] com and collect internet fame. Let’s have some fun this week. Above all: Be Creative!
Chive On!
p.s. – If you’re a first-time Chivette on the fence of submitting, it’s time to take the leap. Do it for your country!