When it comes down to tv shows, they either start off so fucking fantastic, then fizzle out. Or, they have a shitty first season then end up being pretty special by the end. Then there are those that start off shitty, end shitty, but are amazing in the middle. Seldom, however, can have the status of having the best first and last episodes of all time.
Frankly, when you try to google some of the best examples, most entertainment magazines will tell you the best pilots. Others, the best finales. So, I did my own list, based on what I’ve seen. Personally, I think there are no right or wrong answers here; you find what you’re looking for in a show’s start/end and give meaning to it. That determines if a show’s ending is satisfying for you.
So, what I consider a good finale, might have missed the boat for you. And that’s ok.
We all have our preferences.