humor 0 Liked! 0 Disliked 0 Guy lands job interview with company that just fired him and he live-tweets the awkward meeting in its entirety by: Alex In: FAIL, Humor, Work Sucks Nov 8, 2021 0 Liked! 0 Disliked 0 1 firr / twitter America has a hiring problem. There is a record number of job positions open and a record number of people seeking jobs, yet no one is getting hired. What gives? According to vox, many experts believe a key issue is the way companies suss out candidates. With thousands of applications flooding the hiring manager at any given moment, they narrow the playing field using algorithms that pinpoint keywords on a resume, like “Javascript” or “Wordpress”. This leads to only certain candidates with very specifically-worded resumes getting callbacks, while a huge number of candidates are left shouting into the void. One man’s awkward and hilarious experience serves as a shining example of the flaws in this Robo Hiring System. Only two weeks after getting fired from his job as a programmer, @firr landed a job interview with the same company that had just given him the boot. Naturally, he accepted the interview, slapped on a fake mustache, and documented the entire meeting. Scroll through to see how the awkward ordeal played out. Like this post? 0 Liked! 0 Disliked 0
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