entertainment 120 Liked! 58 Disliked 0 Bill Murray is buying NFTs that resemble his characters, and the internet is loving it by: Ben In: Awesome, Entertainment, Interesting Jul 14, 2022 120 Liked! 58 Disliked 0 1 As we’re sure you’re all aware, theCHIVE alongside Project Venkman is releasing the Bill Murray 1000 this Friday, and we’re as excited as the physical human brain will allow you to be. Seriously. It’s like Christmas Morning times a billion. But this post isn’t entirely about that release or the fact that our brains are on the verge of an excite-plosion. It’s about Bill Murray jumping into the NFT world in the most Bill Murray way possible. You see, when we showed Bill how to open up an account and purchase NFTs, we had zero clue what he would do. Cue the Benzinga video below. (Pictured above is Bill Murray’s official Coinbase wallet) Like this post? 120 Liked! 58 Disliked 0
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