In: Awesome, Chive Charities
A heartfelt thank you from Caleb to the Chive Community (5 Photos)
Many of you may likely missed the original post here. It was published late last night.
Yesterday afternoon I received a call from Melanie Luttrell, “Marcus and I just created a GoFundMe Page for Caleb.” It was late and I thought it might be best to hold on the story until today. But then I remembered the late night Chivers have proven themselves, over the past few months, to be optimistically aggressive when it comes to giving – they mix their charity with bourbon and somehow it works great.
In about 90 minutes the night shift had throttled the $2,000 goal to north of $30,000. I went to bed around midnight with a smile, we’d done enough. I don’t know what happened in the ether between Midnight and 8am – I guess the late late shift showed up and had a party.
By the time I woke up the total had soared past the $60,000 mark. Caleb’s wife woke up and saw the same jaw-dropping total. She immediately wrote me an email and asked that I share it with Chive Nation.
Donate right here!
UPDATE: $70,000!!!