I’m a #ChiveCharitiesMember because… a social call-out (4 Photos)
Being a Chive Charities Member has never been about getting credit. The men and women who donate monthly to the Chive Fund aren’t doing it because they want to see their name in lights or because they need recognition. They donate quietly, steadily, actively changing the world.
They donate because when they click on the stories about changing one life at a time, the same stories that make the rest of us tear up at work or sniffle a little in the line at the grocery store, they read it and know that they helped contribute. Those small donations might not seem like a lot, but they’ve purchased new homes, ADA vans, communication devices, specialized beds and custom rooms, speech therapy, pool therapy, physical therapy, wheelchair lifts, home modifications and medical devices. These small donations have added up to build dreams from nothing – an ability field for children who deserve the same access to childhood memories as everyone else. They have given our honored veterans a trip of a lifetime. They have given fighters the support they need to keep fighting.
More than anything, they have given hope.