Since then, we’ve done more charity stories than I can count and they’re coming faster and harder these days with bigger goals and, more often than not, people’s lives on the line. And the Chivers have always delivered big time.
Then on Tuesday we launched a story about Sean Pesce, an Army Ranger who was shot 13 times and lived. Finally able to return home after a year of rehab, his parents home was in need of a wholesale retrofitting to their home to accommodate Sean’s special needs.
After multiple fundraising campaigns the family found themselves $15,000 short of their goal. The Chive Fund announced a $30,000 gift to Sean to not only complete construction on the home, but to also provide funds for Sean’s medical needs moving forward.
In true Chive fashion, the Chivers who don’t contribute to the Fund wanted to participate. Earlier, I told Sean’s mother I’d put a single link to his GoFundMe page in the footer of the story but I kept expectations modest, ‘Because this is a Chive Fund story and not a big focused fundraiser, you can expect maybe $2,000-$5,000 in the GoFundMe account.’
I was way fucking off.
The Chivers now have sharper tools at their disposal to spread the word, Twitter and myCHIVE helped spread the GoFundMe link across the internet. I refreshed the page after an hour – $30,000?? And y’all were just clearing your throats.
Today, the account balance is nearly $48,000. What started as a $30,000 Chive Fund donation became an additional $48,000 donation from the Chivers.
I’ll describe how that money translates on a grassroots level: The Pesce family was more or less in shock for the day. Every time we spoke to them it was “There are no words” or “I have no idea what to say… I’m speechless.” Sean’s girlfriend Zuleyman, would refresh her iPhone and give the family constant updates.
Now that the shock has worn off the family has already sprung to action, ordering new hardwood and tile floors for the entire house earlier this morning. You’ve improved Sean’s quality of life forever. And you’ve brought an American Hero home.
Two weeks from now, we’re going to launch our most ambitious Chive Charity campaign to date – possibly our most deserving candidate ever and maybe the most heartbreaking story I’ve ever heard. Get ready, the big show is coming and we’re going to need your help again.