humanity 138 Liked! 7 Disliked 0 Time keeps ticking, ticking, ticking (13 Photos) by: Brittany In: Chive Charities, Heartwarming, Humanity, Kids Jul 20, 2022 138 Liked! 7 Disliked 0 1 DONATE HERE. The first time five-year-old Julius (Juju) McClary had a seizure on the school bus, the driver didn’t notice. The second time, it was too severe to miss. The school, not knowing what to do or how to provide adequate care, simply called his mom to pick him up. For Juju, precious time was wasted while his brain struggled under the seizure activity. Simple rescue meds would have stopped the episode and limited the risk of damage to his brain – but no one knew how to administer them. Like this post? 138 Liked! 7 Disliked 0
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