Jeff Goldblum set up a random food truck and people went appropriately apes**t (10 Photos)
When the iconic, and wholly original actor, Jeff Goldblum does something, people are always fascinated to see what that will be. Whether it’s an offbeat interview, an amusing cameo in an Indie film or TV series, or one of his legendary roles in blockbuster films like ‘Independence Day’, ‘Thor: Ragnarok’ (playing the character of Grandmaster), or of course in Jurassic Park. And the fact that it was just announced that Goldblum is slated to star in the next installment of the dinosaur franchise ‘Jurassic World 2’ makes the curiosity all the more potent at present.
But Jeff is making headlines recently for something completely off the beaten path, by opening up his own food truck in Sydney, Australia, called ‘Chef Goldblum’s Jazzy Snags,’ where he is handing out free sausages to the masses. Where in the Hell do I sign up?! And as you might imagine once the word got out people have been flooding the pop-up truck like moths to a flame. The social plugs and Tweets have been rolling in all day by people just hoping to get a glimpse of the offbeat actor and maybe to hold one of his signature sausages. SORRY, that joke was low-hanging fruit, and I couldn’t resist.