In: Cute, Mind Blowing, Movies
Meet Rey’s insane stunt double from ‘Star Wars: The Force Awakens’ (21 Photos)
Physical specimen, badass, and absolute stunner, Chloe Bruce made the perfect stunt woman for actress Daisy Ridley in the most recent Star Wars episode. She also doubled for Zoe Saldana in ‘Guardians of the Galaxy.’ And yet if you met Chloe on the street you’d likely never recognize her or realize just what she’s capable of…at least not until now. The English martial artist began her training in Tang Soo Do and later joined the British national martial arts team when she was only 8 years old. She also set the world record for most kicks in one minute, in 2012, with with an impossible 212. Frankly, you just have to see her for yourself.