In: Entertainment, Movies
Sometimes the not-so-invisible movie extras try to steal the scene (14 GIFs)
Teen Wolf
This one’s an oldie, but one hell of a goodie. In the final scene of the movie, after they’ve won the game, the camera pans away to a dude in one of the back rows of the bleachers, with his fly down and his hammer hanging out. Maybe… I dunno, it’s grainy. But it looks like something falls out, gets tucked back in and zippered into place.
There’s been a lot of urban legends and a lot of film geeks with too much time on their hands, trying to analyze what’s going on in this scene. Some say it’s not a penis, some say it’s not even a dude. It might just be an extra who forgot to zip it after the most recent bathroom break and their shirt was sticking out the front. Happens to the best of us.
Either way, the Legend of the Teen Wolf Penis abides.