entertainment 344 Liked! 15 Disliked 0 George Jetson will be born today, so says the internet (23 Photos) by: April K In: Entertainment, Funny Pictures, Interesting, TV Jul 31, 2022 344 Liked! 15 Disliked 0 1GIF According to Hanna-Barbara lore and an article published in IndieWire, George Jetson from the nostalgic animated TV show “The Jetsons,” will be born today. The relatable character was said to have been born on July 31, 2022, which means we are still 40 years away from flying cars. As per usual, people have latched on to the idea that George Jetson will be born on this day … and they’ve been posting about it. Here are some of the funniest Tweets and memes related to George Jetson’s birth on this very date. Like this post? 344 Liked! 15 Disliked 0
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