In: High-Res, Humanity, Interesting, Owned
Porn site redirects traffic to Sex-Ed videos after Sex-Ed law fails to pass
This week Utah’s House Education Committee voted down a bill to allow parents the opportunity to allow their children to attend sex-ed classes. The bill, (HB 215) was to give parents the completely voluntary ability to send their kids to classes that were not assistance only education on topics such as consent and contraceptives. It is worth noting that Utah currently has very strict sex-ed curriculum that does not allow instructors to explain “the intricacies of intercourse, sexual stimulation or erotic behavior,” and “the advocacy or encouragement of the use of contraceptive methods or devices,” or “sexual activity outside of marriage.”
Condoms can be talked about in classrooms but they can’t be recommended for STI prevention or as a way to avoid pregnancy. The bill that was voted down 12-2 would have allowed a second class that parents could sign permission forms for their children to attend.