We found something cool in our warehouse (3 Photos)
Twice a year we do an inventory count at The Chivery warehouse. And when I say we I mean everybody but me. In the early days of theCHIVE Leo and I did the inventory count ourselves. It sucked and I can’t count. During this month’s count, Stephanie Adamson stumbled upon 7 sealed bins of our green OG Chive Hoodies from 2013. Somebody forgot to label them long ago. Yes, it was probably me.
Basically, Stephanie discovered the Holy Grail of Chive Outerwear. For those that don’t know, the 2013 green Chive Hoodies started a hoodie craze that’s still very much alive today. But that first batch, designed and hand stitched by Chris Gorog, remain the best. They were so soft, most Chivers wore theirs down to the nub. Today, these bad boys can be yours.