Cute dogs rescuer gets a tattoo to match her pup (8 Photos)
On this site, we have a soft spot for dogs. We’re not shy about it. Dogs (and other animals too) are furry, cuddly and absolutely amazing creatures that touch the life of anyone who has the honour and privilege of spending time with them. Sure, we make jokes about animals as the best part of the internet, and cat videos as the best way to procrastinate, but make no mistake – when it comes to animals, we have nothing but respect for the good boys and soft kitties out there and the people that have enough room in their hearts and lives to make a special place for an animal. This is something Vanessa Marie Rose knows all about.
Her special furry pal is Toby (full name Tobias Funke), and they’ve left indelible marks on one another, one that will never fade.