In: Art, Entertainment, Nostalgia
An abstract Seinfeld oil painting is just what my man cave needs (26 Photos)
Do you have a show that you just can’t get enough off? You’ve got all the episodes in your possession, you watch them repeatedly and quote lines from the show like they’re second nature to you? Have the novelty t-shirts and actually took trips down to the shooting locations so you can have an epic profile pic outside of the bar the characters hung out at? No? Just me? Shit… forget I said anything.
New York based artist Morgan Blair is one of those people though. She’s a little obsessed with Seinfeld, and her obsession started with one particular episode. In a 2012 interview, she cited the artist who painted a particular painting that was above The Drake’s tv in the season 4 episode “The Handicap Spot” as her inspiration. Apparently it was amazing. I don’t remember it, and I can’t seem to find a picture of it, but it was monumental enough for her to start creating abstract art from Seinfeld screenshots.
You can check out more of her work on her website, and grab a few for your man cave.