Move over Vajazzle, meet The Penazzle (6 photos)
Recently, Jennifer Love Hewitt announced she got Vajazzled on the George Lopez show. This sparked a craze that led women across America to get their vajayjay bejeweled. sent a field reporter, Bryce, to get Vajazzled and document this fascinating procedure for the first time. The process starts with a nice Sultan wax to make way for a clean surface to receive Swarovski crystals in your choice of designs. Sounds stupid? It is very stupid. Which gave me the idea to send a male in to get the world’s first PENAZZLING! Why should girls get to have all the fun?
So we put out a casting call on theCHIVE in search of the brave soul willing to make sparkling history for all mankind. We found him (he has chosen to remain annonymous because he is a professional golfer/role model) and sent him to Completely Bare Spa in NYC for the Penazzling. Enjoy the photos, and do not try this at home. Chive On! is giving away Vajazzles and/or Penazzles. Enter HERE for your chance to win!
For more information on the Vajazzling and Penazzling, check out
Completely Bare Spa
25 Bond Street
New York, NY 10014