In: Awesome
theCHIVE’s annual ‘Break John’s Credit Card’ tomorrow in Austin!
This has been a momentous week for our veterans here at theCHIVE. Yesterday, the Chivers saved American Legion Post 230 in Spring Hill, NC, after it was destroyed in Hurricane Matthew. We are about to triple the goal in fact.
Then we launched a campaign to get 100 veterans hired in 100 days.
Now, it’s time to break John’s credit card. Every year on the Friday before Memorial Day weekend all the Chivers at the HQ head over to Shiner’s Saloon on 4th and Congress and we invite our active duty and veterans, as well as their families to join us. I throw down my personal credit card and we drink until fraud protection shuts it down. Traditionally about 2 solid hours of some irresponsible fun.
Yes, the Coffey Sisters are here from Australia. And yes, they are coming! Unfortunately, so is Mac.
Fun starts at 6pm. Everybody is invited, no tickets necessary. Bring your military ID to get a wristband to drink on my tab. Civilian Chivers are welcome, all I ask is you buy a veteran a drink and shake their hands. Deal?
Share this story with your friends. I’m posting this last minute because I got drunk last night.