In: Awesome, Chive Everywhere
Join us at the Kansas City Royals Game, a fundraiser for a great cause!
Last month the Kansas City Royals contacted me with an idea. They wanted to bring Chivers together to raise money for their local charity, the KC Pet Project. The KC Pet Project is a local non-profit organization that strives to facilitate the placement of homeless pets into suitable homes, establish & maintain an animal shelter, promote the health and welfare of pets in care and the reunification of lost pets to their owners.
As many of you know, we have our Bella Bear here at the office and we’re huge pet pet people. We were happy to jump on board for such a great cause.
September 21st is Chive Night at Kauffman Stadium… it’s more like afternoon/night because we insisted on having a huge pre-game happy hour at the Hall of Fame Pavillion so we can get sideways with all the Chivers.
Festivities will start at 4pm. We have a massive tent that will feature a live DJ, food and drinks. As always, Mac has not been invited but he’ll probably show up anyway.
Then we’re taking you out to the ball game. All tickets are on the lower level. We’re also working on an exclusive Kansas City Royals KCCO t-shirt with all proceeds going towards the KC Pet Project.
Only a limited number of seats are available for this event. We’ll have more details soon but tickets will be available next Wednesday, of that we’re certain.
With your support we will be able to provide new kennels/quarantine trailers for small dogs and puppies needing medical treatment in Kansas City. We can’t wait to raise a glass with our KC Chivers!
John n’ Leo