In: Amazing, Awesome, Chive Nation, Humanity, Life Is Awesome
We said ‘Ads-Free’, and that’s what you Deserve — So here’s to the Future!
Hey all you misfits & misfettes, Bob here with an important message which I hope that by the end will help put your minds at ease, and maybe even put a little smile on your face. But there’s so much news to get to, so I’ll cut to the chase.
Over the years theCHIVE’s Android and iOS apps have gone through a list of tweaks a mile long. It’s no small feat to keep a perfectly harmonious user experience across multiple platforms, believe me, especially when our “App big brother” parent companies can pull the rug out from under us and kick theCHIVE out of the App Store for…whatever made-up reason they hit on their dartboard— without even being so courteous as to provide us with an explanation as to why they did so. Seem unfair? It is.
But, thankfully, we have an incredibly dedicated development team that is constantly pushing for a cleaner, faster, and more unified user experience on our apps. And there is much more incredible news on that front coming, which I’ll get to in a moment (Hint-Hint, a unified commenting system and login across ALL platforms on both theCHIVE & iChive will soon be a reality!).