In: Entertainment, Facts, Interesting
Pornhub’s Insights Page breaks down how women view porn (9 Photos)
The good folks over at Pornhub’s Insights Page are back to breaking down the uber interesting statistics they collect on how people spend their no-no time. This time around, they’ve dived into how women prefer to watch porn as compared to men. And as it turns out, there are some surprising facts. Check out their findings below.
“Over the last several years, the use of mobile devices to browse Pornhub has grown exponentially. Currently, about 72% of worldwide traffic to Pornhub comes from smartphones and tablets. But mobile use is actually much higher with women than men. As of February 2017, nearly 80% of female traffic comes from mobile, compared to about 69% for men.
As the following chart illustrates, mobile growth has been similar for both genders, but women have remained around 10% higher than men since 2014. At the end of this post we’ve also broken down women’s mobile use by countries and U.S. states.”