In: Awesome, Chive Charities, Chive Everywhere, Chive Nation, Inspirational, RAKs
I’m a #ChiveCharitiesMember because… (25 Photos)
At the beginning of June, we announced the launch of our #ChiveCharitiesMember campaign. It began as a way for us to shine some light on the unsung heroes behind every story, every week. We had absolutely no idea what it would become.
Over the course of the month-long campaign, we received hundreds of tweets, pictures, and responses on social media. The feedback was overwhelming. The men and women who donate portions of their hard-earned money to helping others are truly the reason we are able to do what we do.
And finally, we got to hear why they do it.
It can be easy to lose sight of the bigger picture. We’re all leading our awesome lives – busy with kids or work or stress or just getting dinner on the table every night. It happens. We can lose sight of the goal, the reason we all do what we do. But then… you read that one story that goes into your heart and never leaves. Or an update on Zoe. Or an old picture from the 1st Annual Green Gala. And you remember.
We do this because we want a better world. Not a perfect world. A 10% happier world.
And instead of talking about it, we’re doing something about it. We’re rolling up our sleeves and doing the work. It may not seem like much, what each member donates a month, but it adds up. Boy, does it add up.
Keep it up, Chive Charities Members. You are the reason we do what we do.