lifestyle 975 Liked! 36 Disliked 0 Things ‘Less Than Average Looking’ Dudes Can Do to Look Better by: Hendy In: Inspirational, Interesting, Lifestyle Sep 1, 2022 975 Liked! 36 Disliked 0 1GIF Let’s go ahead and get this out of the way… What’s attractive and what isn’t is all subjective and varies from person to person. Nonetheless, we’d be fools to suggest that there isn’t a general perception of what is attractive and what isn’t in a broad sense. With that in mind, an Ask Reddit post was made the other day asking one simple question; “What can an ugly, average salary guy do to still be attractive?“ Well, here are some of the top answers we found. Like this post? 975 Liked! 36 Disliked 0
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