This year marks the 30th Anniversary of one of the most iconic comedies ever made, Ghostbusters.
Patty and I had an idea that we should invite a bunch of disorderly Chivers and Chivettes for special screening of Ghostbuster at the Alamo for our soldiers and sailors.
This is coming together last minute so here’s what I got so far:
Email us at and let us know your name, age, and if you need a +1. Please put “Ghostbusters” in the subject line. You must be 21+ Confirmations go out tomorrow morning.
We’ll pick the names at random. You must receive an email confirming your tickets, which will include the time of the screening (around 10pm). You must also be an active service member or veteran to qualify. I’m not checking military ID’s or nuthin’ so we’re on the internet honor system here.
It looks like Alamo is going to have some kegs of KCCO Black and we’ll try and get everybody a couple free beers for the screening.
Also, the first 20 people in line will receive a Bill Fucking Murray – Maybe the first 30. We honestly don’t print many of them so I’ll see what I can get my hands on without pissing off Justina.
Most importantly, let’s have some fun tomorrow. we could all use use a break right now. Kick back, relax, and enjoy this great film. I’m not sneaking any of those small airline bottles of Jack Daniel’s into the screening. <—– See you tomorrow!
John n' Leo