In: Humanity, Interesting, Science
According to science, these are the most painful ways to die (17 Photos)
The reason why we’re told to drink so much water is because our body desperately needs it. As we’re over 60% water, this keeps our blood flowing, your skin soft and unbroken and when we urinate, we flush out all of the toxins. As you become more dehydrated, the cells in your body begin to shrink as the body draws water from them to keep your blood flowing. This, unfortunately, includes your brain cells, so when they shrink, it’s bad news.
When your brain is fucked up, you get confused, delirious, you get massive headaches and ultimately you end up in a coma, then death as your body cannot function any longer. Even worse, as the brain physically shrinks in your skull, the blood vessels attaching your brain to your skull and blood supply, can pull away and rupture, leading to a brain bleed and brain death.
While that’s happening, your organs begin to shut down, starting with your kidneys and they can’t handle the toxicity and your blood essentially becomes poisonous, causing muscle cramps and your organs to shut off, one by one. From start to finish, you’ve got about two weeks.