In: Humor, Shit Happens, WTF
15 people share the worst things they’ve ever walked in on (5 photos)
2. I used to sleep at my cousin’s house all the time. I was raised by my mother and she’s a nurse, so I spent many nights there.
One night when I was 12 I was at his house. It was just us and his three younger siblings. When I stayed there I crashed in his room. So, around 9pm I say I’m going in the shower. His shower used to take a long time for the water to become hot, so I turned the water on and went into the living room with my towel on and watched “Who Wants to be a Millionaire” for about 10 minutes. Then I hear a bunch of shit falling in my cousin’s room, so I walk towards it.
I open the door and there’s my cousin , completely naked with a dish towel wrapped around his erect dick, and he’s knocking everything down in the room with his dick. I’m talking sports figurines, a lot of books, VHS tapes, video games, basically anything you could think of that would be in a 13 year old’s room. So I say “what the fuck cuz” he just looked at me calmly and said “I thought you were in the shower, I was going to clean it up, I always do”
Never mentioned it again.
3. Used to walk into my Buddy’s house without knocking.
Walked in on his mum and dad going at it big style in the front room at 2pm on a Tuesday.
4. Didn’t really walk in but the most traumatizing time. When I was 6 I had friends over for a play date and I went to go hide underneath my grandparents bed with my friend. My grandparents came into the room after us so they had no idea we were in there so they started undressing and went on the bed. Sounds started. I started crying but they were basically deaf so they couldn’t hear me. But my mom walked by the room and thought she heard me crying so she walks in. Grandparents start screaming at my mom. Mom starts screaming at grandparents I run out from under the bed with my friend trailing behind me. It was awful.