humor 0 Liked! 0 Disliked 0 A tale as old as time: A “Karen” upset at a desk clerk (9 GIFs) by: Jacob In: Douchebags, Genius or Stupid, Humor, Work Sucks Aug 7, 2019 0 Liked! 0 Disliked 0 1GIF I feel bad for women named Karen (apologies to a dearly beloved Aunt), because it’s become synonymous with the kind of women in their 40s that scream for you to “get the manager.” It’s a very real phenomenon though (not necessarily the part where the woman is named Karen), but perhaps we’ve found the true nemesis for Karens everywhere: A 16-year-old desk clerk who just wanted their coffee. Like this post? 0 Liked! 0 Disliked 0
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