In: Humor, I Do What I Want
Actors who made a killing cutting backend deals (10 Photos)
The movie business is a fickle beast, especially for its stars. Longevity is a rare commodity at the top of the film food chain, however, some stars can maneuver themselves into a massive liquidity event if their films are box office hits.
If a movie star truly believes in the project, they will often take less money up front in hopes of striking it rich on the backend. The most recent example is actress, Emma Watson. Emma reportedly took a reduced salary of $3 Million for the live-action remake of Beauty and the Beast. But her final payday would escalate to $15 Million if the film outperformed Maleficent’s $759 Million worldwide gross.
Beauty and the Beast broke the coveted $1 Billion mark last weekend and Emma Watson is about to open her mailbox and smile big.