humanity 502 Liked! 20 Disliked 0 At one point or another, we’ve all been “C*ck-Blocked”, haven’t we? (18 GIFs) by: Bob In: Douchebags, Funny Pictures, Humanity, Interesting, Owned, Shit Happens, Shocking Sep 21, 2022 502 Liked! 20 Disliked 0 1GIF At one point or another, friends and or family have railroaded a moment where you might’ve had a shot with a love interest. Whether intentional, accidental, or just for a good laugh, I think we’ve all had an awful “Cock Block” moment (or “Clam Jam” for the ladies out there) that we’ve never forgotten. Below, people are dishing on the worst moments of cock-blockery they were ever victim to… Like this post? 502 Liked! 20 Disliked 0
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