In: Douchebags, Entertainment, Owned
Bully boxer gets served an extremely satisfying form of karma (9 Photos & Video)
Meet Charlie Zelenoff. Zelenoff is a self-proclaimed professional boxer who gained internet notoriety for racking up YouTube views with his extremely unsafe ‘boxing challenges.’ What exactly did those challenges entail? Zelenoff would visit fitness gyms, approach people who were casually working out and ask them if they’d help him with some light sparring. As soon as the sparring would begin, Zelenoff would dial it to 11 and go all in for a cheap knockout and throw extremely unexpected haymakers.
The sucker-punch artist claims he’s 234-0, but shows he’s only had one official fight — a fight in which he lost. Yep, Charlie is that special type of asshole created in some sort of evil-asshole lab. Check out just a few of his “fights” below.