The most outrageous things people have done in hopes of having sex (4 Photos)
I got invited over for a booty call from a woman I met outside a store, we never even went on a date, and before we got busy I had to watch the last 20 minutes of Toy Story 3, in bed with her and her 6-year-old son.
I was desperate and she was a yoga teacher. It was worth it.
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Drove to Phoenix and back in one night from southern California (12 hours drive time).
It wasn’t worth it.
I was 16, and my sex drive had taken hold of my brain.
I met this girl, and she was just simply friendly to me. Everyone I knew seemed to be having sex at the time, so I figured that it must be a simple thing to get laid, and I must just be missing the cues. The rest of our friends peeled off and we found ourselves alone, walking through a field. We came upon some weird 3ft sunken tree plantings, and I thought “This is the perfect place.” I laid down in one and said “Here. Come here next to me.” all suave like Vincent Price or some shit. Then I pulled out the condom from my pocket (which I carried at all times YOU NEVER KNOW). She just stood there very confused and said “Why?” as if she didn’t even catch the suggestion of sex even with the condom in my hand. So I spelled it out for her, saying “I know you have feelings for me. We can get it on right here. We can fuck.”
She laughed so hard that I had to play it off as a joke.