humor 325 Liked! 30 Disliked 0 Natural wonder or chorizo? (5 Photos) by: April K In: Funny Pictures, GIFs, Humor, Weird, WTF Aug 7, 2022 325 Liked! 30 Disliked 0 1Photo de Proxima du Centaure, l’étoile la plus proche du Soleil, située à 4,2 année-lumière de nous.Elle a été prise par le JWST.Ce niveau de détails… Un nouveau monde se dévoile jour après jour.— Etienne KLEIN (@EtienneKlein) July 31, 2022 French physicist Étienne Klein trolled everyone last week when he tweeted a photo of a “distant star,” according to an article in Vice. After his tweet was liked and retweeted thousands of times, Klein revealed that the “distant star” was just a slice of chorizo. Like this post? 325 Liked! 30 Disliked 0
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