humor 5 Liked! 0 Disliked 0 Retro Paperback books getting shopped to silly perfection (33 Photos) by: Bob In: Funny Pictures, Humor, Nostalgia, Photoshop, Pop Culture, WTF May 17, 2021 5 Liked! 0 Disliked 0 1 I’m really onto some weird stuff in the past 24 hours. First Nic Cage Memorabilia, and now I’m trudging through old-timey paperback backs getting Photoshopped. It’s just one of those days. The phase will pass, I promise. But I digress, Paperback Paradise, is a page dedicated to photoshopping some of our favorite vintage paperback book covers (and some we’ve definitely never heard of before) with funny, strange, and downright absurd titles, subtitles and marketing blurbs that were traditional of books of that era. Domi, is the artist behind the self-proclaimed “world’s #1 used book store” that is Paperback Paradise, and Domi certainly has a twisted imagination… Like this post? 5 Liked! 0 Disliked 0
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