What a $600 meal at America’s second most expensive restaurant looks like (21 Photos)
What exactly can $600 get you? Well, for starters 2 of these giant fuckin’ bean bags. Have 35 people you don’t like? For $600, you can ship them all a box of shit. Feeling selfish? Go buy 100 large Little Caesars pepperoni take-out pizzas. Hell, maybe even try getting two chicks at the same time. It might require a little deeper of a dive on the back page of Craigslist, but you know, it’s within the realm of possibility if your standards are low and you believe in yourself.
You could do all of those things. Or, you know… I guess you could buy this meal from Saison, the nation’s second most expensive resaurant. But what exactly does a $600 meal entail? Imgur user Hoptail visited the ritzy restaurant and took pictures of each of the courses they brought out. Check out her review below.
“So I got sent to San Francisco for work and I always make a habit of visiting the best restaurants when I travel. I’m not well-off by any means – I’m a college student. But I love good food and I save up for this shit. So please enjoy living vicariously through these photos of my dinner for 1 at Saison.
This was, no joke, the most heavenly tea I’ve ever had in my life and could quite cheerfully drink this every day until I died. It was only supposed to accompany one course but I requested that it be replenished throughout the evening. All 4 hours of it.
Each little bushel had douglas fir, yarrow, chamomile, lemon balm, anise and hyssop all picked fresh from the restaurant farm and steeped in hot meyer lemon water. Damn delightful.”