In: Interesting, Lifestyle, Nature
The oldest living things on earth have been around a long time (17 Photos)
When you think about just how old the Earth is (4.5 Billion years), and how long we’ve been walking upright (2.5 Million years), it’s not hard to imagine that there are organisms and living things on this earth that have seen all the major changes throughout history and are still standing. As Ian Malcolm tells us in Jurassic Park, ‘life will find a way’ and these ancient lifeforms have been around. In fact, some individual organisms on this list have been around longer than mankind’s been using tools. That’s a long time.
While most of the longest surviving living things on earth are trees, there are also some sponges and fungi that have some serious milage on them. I can’t imagine these guys, just growing and watching civilizations rise and fall, and wondering what the hell the humans are getting up to?
This world is amazingly crazy.