hotness 1 Liked! 0 Disliked 0 Fangirls don’t sweat, they glow (39 Photos) by: Staff In: Fuego, Hotness, Nerdy Girls Aug 25, 2015 1 Liked! 0 Disliked 0 1 Are you a Trekkie? Pokemaniac? Whovian? Or if you’re just a fan of all things nerd on’t don’t forget to send in all of your photos wearing your favorite fan gear to theCHIVE’s submit page HERE or you can always send it through our iPhone and or Android apps. We could all be saying “I choose you!” in you in next weeks post. Just put “FANGIRLS” in the subject line and show off your smile while wearing your favorite Wolverine T-shirt, Legend of Zelda earrings, or whatever franchise gives you your biggest nerdgasm. KCCO! Like this post? 1 Liked! 0 Disliked 0
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