In: Fuego
Sexy Chivers and first-time Chivettes, the SC goes live tomorrow!
So I may have forgotten to make a call out to our Chivettes this week because I’m not the brightest guy. I’d love to make tomorrow a great day in the SC but I could use some help from our Chivettes.
Our Chivettes continue to conquer the sexy world. Our Chivettes work in your office, they live next door to you, and they’re just as sexy as any of the photoshopped digital models out there. So let’s have some fun this week.
AWESOME INSTRUCTIONS: Grab your camera (phone) and write ‘Chive On’ on a sign or some part of your body (be as creative as you like). Then use our handy-dandy upload page to send pics to thechivesubmit [at] gmail [dot] com and collect internet fame. Let’s have some fun this week. Above all: Be Creative! Do it for your country!
Chive On!