Due to Anniversary overconsumption, ‘Sexy Chivers’ moved to Monday.

Hey Chivers,

Last night, theCHIVE celebrated our 2nd anniversary by throwing a bonanza for the ages. You’ll see photos of it next week. It turned into one of THOSE nights if you know what I mean. I remember watching the sun come up and thinking, ‘Wow. Tomorrow’s gonna’ hurt’
So I woke up 10 minutes ago, biggest hangover of my adult life and an inbox with hundreds of Sexy Chivers that I’ll never be able to sift though in an hour or four. So I’ll make it up to you with two ‘Sexy Chivers’ next week on Monday and Friday. Deal? This leaves an extra couple days for all you Chivettes to send in your photos! I’ll still roll out the Afternoon Randomness her in a spell. Thanks for understanding, Chivers.

– John

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