Let’s focus on cheeks, shall we? New Chivette Cheeky bottoms are here! (12 Photos, 3 GIFS)
It’s the “Week of the Cheek” and we’ve created a new pair of themed Chivette cheeky bottoms for every day of the week – Hump Day, Mind the Gap, Chive On, Burnsday, and Things That Bounce. They all come in a nice, tidy 5-pack available RIGHT HERE.
Thanks to Monique for working so hard to create these colorful cheeky bottoms. Chivettes, they make your tush look more amazing that it already is.
In order to more accurately show off the different themes, we had to take some up-close photos of the cheeky bottoms. I hope you don’t mind.
The new Cheeky Bottom 5-packs available for the first time RIGHT HERE!
[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=q0K80vZV6Ho?list=PLTraRyI8wNYn4C0jXpEN2Us_feNqtRB5v&w=920&h=518%5D