In: Chive Nation, High-Res, Pepper
Chive on Cali had an Effin epic meetup (33 hi-res photos)
Back in March, a few of us at the HQ joined Chive On Chicago for their annual St. Paddy’s Day event, Chiverish. It was an incredible time and raised money for a terrific cause.
Once we returned, we received a note from one of the best Chive Chapters in the country, Chive on California. Chive on Cali had a giant meetup in the works in San Diego to raise money for a local animal shelter. We’ve partied with the chapter since our Venice Beach days, and crashed their pool party last year to raise money for Chive Charities recipient, Michael Sexton.
After witnessing first hand the unhinged, awesome meetups they throw, our flights were booked once we found out about the party.