There are a lot of lakes in the Austin area and it’s almost a rite of passage to get a party boat. So, we figured we’d give everybody the day off in the middle of the week, rent a party boat, and just get after it.
And we’re launching the new Summer Line tomorrow at 3pm EST, Noon PST (sneak peek right here). A lot of Chivers here worked really hard on it. So here’s the thing, yeah, this gallery promotes the new line. It’ll be one of 20+ galleries on theCHIVE today. I have a philosophy about marketing here – I’m proud of our designs, I’m really proud to create a job or two, I love the family of people who work here, and if you create something, you have to promote it and when I promote it, there’s going to be cleavage. Simple as that. I’m not trying to reinvent the wheel here.
The new Chive HQ opens in a week. It’s a playland that Willy Wonka himself would be proud of (slides, the famous balcony returns, beer lines running throughout the entire office). I miss giving tours and getting drunk with Chivers on Fridays, and we’ll be back to doing tons of shoots for no damn good reason shortly.
So, enjoy the gallery in the spirit in which it’s given. We had a blast making it for you…