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theCHIVE is hiring an Ad Trafficker
theCHIVE is expanding its Advertising team and hiring an Ad Trafficker because, frankly, we’re attempting to be all grown up over here. FYI, we’re not, but we figured we would give it the ol’ college try. As an Ad Trafficker for theCHIVE, you will coordinate the movement of ideas, creative projects, advertisements, and all associated paperwork with account managers, creative artists, and other advertising agency personnel. You will also communicate with clients to maintain customer satisfaction and report on the status of advertisements to upper management. To learn more about the job description, qualifications, and job benefits, check out Resignation Media HERE.
If you are serious about the job, please send your resume and finished Graphic to workatthechive[at]gmail[dot]com with subject line: Ad Trafficker. This position is located in Austin, TX.