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All you Chivers out there: Send us your photos!
Every day we field 800-1,000 emails here at theCHIVE. I still check the emails personally. But this website is only as good as you make it. It’s your amazing photo submissions that keeps this train movin.’ Which brings me to my New Year’s resolution.
It’s time to ratchet this up a notch. Each day, over a million people visit theCHIVE. Imagine how amazing this website would be if every one of you raided your hard drives and dug up that ONE photo that made you laugh the hardest over the last couple years? You know the one I’m talking about. So that’s what I’m asking for today. I want every one of you to take 5 minutes, go to your Facebook or iPhoto library, and send me that one, single, hilarious photo.
Also, if you’re one of our lovely Chivettes and you haven’t ever submitted a photo, snap a photo and share the love.
Just use our handy-dandy upload page or thechivesubmit [at] gmail [dot] com. Get movin’ Chivers. Do it for your country!
Chive On,