humanity 0 Liked! 0 Disliked 0 Veteran fights PTSD, gets new best friend (13 photos) by: Staff In: Chive Charities, Heartwarming, Heroes, Humanity, Uncategorized May 10, 2017 0 Liked! 0 Disliked 0 1 There are some things people just don’t like to talk about. Money, politics, past relationships, pineapple on pizza…all high on the list of topics to avoid. For the record, I’ll talk all day long about why pineapple doesn’t belong on pizza, but this isn’t about me. Despite pop culture efforts to make therapy appointments on par with getting a physical, mental health is still considered taboo in polite conversation. This makes no practical sense if you think about it, because we can’t control brain chemistry any more than we control blood type. Therapy is kind of a dirty word, even though most people would benefit from talking through their feelings with a licensed professional. Asking for help doesn’t make you weak, it makes you human. Like this post? 0 Liked! 0 Disliked 0
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