Russian tennis star gives no f*cks, chops off hair mid-match (Video)

Leave it to a Russia to so perfectly epitomize giving no f*cks. During her match in the Women’s Tennis Association finals on Tuesday, Svetlana Kuznetsova’s hair was apparently wreaking havoc on her game. So, she did what any proper athlete would do, she asked the umpire for scissors and promptly cut that sh*t off.

Not only did she hack off her pony tail, she made good on it by going on to win the match, defeating the tournament’s defending champion in the process. Kuznetsova told reporters, “When I was hitting the forehands I hit a good shot and it would hit my eye…I thought, ‘what’s more important? My hair, which can grow, or the match?’”

Check out Kuznetsova hacking away mid match

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